Thursday, June 6, 2013

Wednesday on the Ranch

Today we continued to work around Matt's place.  We managed to install the new stringers, with Matt doing the bulk of the heavy lifting!  I alternately served as his "go-fer" and pulled weeds in front of the house which proliferate this time of the year.  Paula kept busy with painting, knitting a sweatshirt for the baby, and cooking wonderful meals. The weather today was amazing: warming up to the mid-seventies, mild breeze in the afternoon, brilliantly blue skies with a few cumulous clouds to ad a touch of contrast.  Looking out at the valley scene as we lay on the chaise lounges enjoying a beer after our day's work, I was calculating the ways to make this permanently possible.  Vacations are wonderful!
Paula coping with noise of construction

Active Robin's nest on top of hoe!

Another view of the ranch

Wild flowers are popping up
It came from outer space!


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