Sunday, June 2, 2013

Saturday in Yellowstone

Today we returned to the park with wonderful warm sunshine.  Since we had explored the geysers the day before, we wanted to explore the Grand Canyon of the Yellowstone.  After visiting a coffee kiosk in West Yellowstone, we headed to the park.  The Yellowstone River has carved a deep gorge through the heart of the park. Though not rivaling the Grand Canyon of Arizona, it does startle the eye with its impressive depth and wide expanse.  The river thunders through the gorge creating some beautiful waterfalls.  The park offers scores of well-developed trails and viewpoints with ample rails and benches to invite easy and comfortable viewing.  We spent the entire day following different trails and stopping at many vista points.  With tired feet and that satisfied feeling of having tasted some of nature’s most gorgeous bounty, we dined at the Madriz Spanish Café in West Yellowstone on tapas and paella--a rare find in this corner of the world.
Paula and Matt at "Artist's fire pots"

The "Blob" invades Yellowstone

Talkative Elk!

The "Brink" falls--Yellowstone River

Bottom of the Brink Falls

Yellowstone River canyon

Paula at the "Brink"

Osprey nest

Another view of Yellowstone canyon

Lone Elk

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