Sunday, June 2, 2013

We broke camp Sunday in Yellowstone and headed home to Matt's house in Potomac, Montana.  On the way we stopped at two "ghost towns": Virginia City and Nevada City.  Both are old  gold mining towns and curiously named since we Californians are used to our own Nevada City near Grass Valley and the Virginia City of Nevada, home to Samuel Clemens and the Territorial Enterprise.  It was an interesting stop and also provided us a nice picnic table for lunch.  Once we left Nevada City, the rain started and didn't stop until after we reached Matt's house.  This was no "spring shower," but a bonafide winter storm.  Matt, who was ahead of us on his motorcycle, once again got drenched.  We stopped in Butte at the Three Bears market to load up with provisions.  It was like coming home as we drove along the Blackfoot River and up to Matt's bucolic home overlooking the Potomac Valley.  We will bivouac here for about 12 days and await Jenn's return from her art residency in Wyoming.  We'll be sending updates with photos of projects around the house and fly fishing expeditions!
Virginia City, MT

Virginia City

Virginia City or Bust!

Asseyor's Office



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