Thursday, June 13, 2013

Jennifer Returns!

Wednesday got off to a typical start with a nice walk down the long driveway, then onto Bear Creek Road and toward Hwy 200.  The morning chores consisted of more work on the wood shed and cutting and stacking more beetle-killed Ponderosa pines.  After lunch Matt checked his texts and learned that Jenn was to arrive ahead of schedule--in about an hour in fact!  We had anticipated having the entire afternoon to leisurely get the place tidied up for her homecoming, but we suddenly shifted into high gear: brooms and vacuums and dust rags were employed with gusto.  After about an hour, things looked pretty decent. With a somewhat ironic twist, Matt realized he had overestimated Jenn's ETA by about three hours!  Well, the work was done anyhow, so what else to do but start the cocktail hour early!  It was great to see Jenn drive up at about five looking amazingly healthy and happy and, yes, quite pregnant.  Thirty weeks to be exact.
Hard-working ranch hand

Boys and their toys--1972 Ford 250 and 2013 Ford 250

Shed taking shape

Our impressive log deck

One of the many critters on the ranch

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