Sunday, June 9, 2013

Another day in paradise

Saturday dawned with nary a cloud in the sky.  We continue to enjoy our morning hikes along Bear Creek Road down to Hwy 200, the main artery that connects Bonner/Missoula with Matt's property.  There are several large ranches in the vicinity with small herds of cows, goats and sheep.  Then, to the south, there are roughly forty families that live in a wooded area, each with a rustic home and anywhere from 10 to 200 acres--and usually two to three large dogs!  Matt continued to do finishing work on the staircase.  Paula and I helped when and where we could.  In the afternoon Matt and I loaded his 1975  Ford 250 snowplow truck with Ponderosa pines that had been culled because of a beetle infestation.  There's always plenty to do on a ranch! Then Matt treated us to a scrumptious venison steak barbecue from a deer that his wife Jennifer had shot last year.  We're looking forward to Jennifer's return on Thursday from her month-long art residency in Sheridan, WY.

Venison steaks

The Master Chef

Looking better and better

1 comment:

  1. I'm glad that you're getting in your daily walks and you're eating the venison. I look forward to seeing you all!
