Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Today's leg was our longest slog: about 560 miles and nine hours in the saddle with a few stops for meals and restrooms. Consequently, we didn't have time for photos.  (Just one of the rig parked in the Twin Falls KOA.)  The weather was mostly cloudy and quite windy.  When we left Boomtown, the flags were stiff and pointing north.  Even the birds were all flying in the same direction. Crossing HWY 80 to Wells, NV, we noticed some turbulence but managed to hold it steady.  Heading from Wells north on HWY 93, the tail wind helped.  There were dark clouds and rain most of the way.  We ate dinner at the Depot Cafe in Twin Falls--established in 1917.  I imagine the cooking hasn't changed much in the intervening years, and we would give it only two stars.  Paula's steak was tough and fried in generous grease.  My "fish platter" would have served as good bait for bottom fishing--even Clifford turned up his nose at the leftovers.
  Tomorrow we head to West Yellowstone and the rendezvous with our son, Matt.  He is spending tonight at a motel in Cody, WY, trying to dry out from the drenching he received on his motorcycle ride from Sheridan, WY.

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